Happy Holidays

I have a rather mundane job. Three or four nights a week, I go to work at 6 p.m., where I examine partially processed silicon wafers on their way to becoming pieces of integrated circuitry until 6 a.m. Sounds exciting, huh? Sometimes, there’s not a lot going on, so staying awake and aware becomes a challenge. A co-worker is very helpful in this regard, sharing his quirky wit throughout the night in small doses of social commentary or offerings of personal observations of other co-workers, etc.

The other night, we were discussing politically correct versus non-PC ways to wish people well during this time of year. It was noted during this conversation that it may not be proper to use the ‘Happy Holidays”greeting, since the word “holiday” comes from the word combination of holy+day. Therefore, I have begun using this greeting along with the traditional “Merry Christmas” referring to the holiday commemorating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ, also known as Messiah.

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