I want to love my country again

I wish this country could become the country I thought I lived in when I was a kid. (That country was already gone by that time, but people I knew weren’t really aware of it.) The more educated I become on the subject of our history, including all the efforts of progressive activists over the past century, the more I realize I missed out.

It’s so sad to me that Americans for years have been seduced to seek an “American Dream” that has nothing to do with the original ideal; the one that prompted the Declaration of Independence, the American Revolution, the United States of America, and eventually, the Constitution of the United States. As we’ve all decided to focus only on “pursuit of hapiness”, our liberty has slowly been eroded by those who believe our lives should be controlled at the expense of some freedoms. And every day, we hear about more freedoms we’ve lost.


We might not have much time left, but I now know I want my time to count for something that matters. When they ask me to give up another freedom, “I WILL NOT COMPLY”.

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1 Response to I want to love my country again

  1. Jeremy says:

    This is the exact attitude that America needs. Stop giving up liberties, letting the government rule our lives and tell us what’s best. When we wake up as a nation and realize the president can NOT walk on the constitution and ” bypass ” the branches of goverment we have established, we will have hope.

    God please help our Republic.

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