Time for an Intervention

The founding fathers were some smart guys. They were able to look into the future by analyzing their own experiences and their knowledge of history and past events, and craft a constitution and governmental framework that ordinary citizens could understand and operate. Or perhaps, they crafted it in such a way that it took extraordinary citizens, that, they knew, would have the resources and the freedom to arise out of ordinary citizenry, given the circumstances created by a society and culture born out of the very government they sought to establish.

The founders, however, lived in a different time and cultural surroundings that assumed certain established norms. Over the years, intellectual elites throughout the world have striven to tear down these norms, merely for the sake of separating themselves from the “common man” by demonstrating that these vestiges of the past were merely quaint cultural remnants of a less sophisticated society, no longer needed for the advancement of this new, more progressive society, built on the pillars of science and industry. This new society lifts up man’s abilities and promotes the celebration of all man’s achievements. These people have been talking only to each other for too long. They, being separated from reality for such a long time, have forgotten that those who have not learned from history are doomed to repeat it.

While the new, more progressive society seems an inevitability at this point, some still hope for an intervention. Even though we know from past experience what man’s stupidity and selfishness can bring, we also have seen instances when good people have prayed and God has brought revival and awakening to people who were blind, lost, and on the wrong path. I think it’s time we joined them. This may be the only option we have left.

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